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Filter by name after applying a filter that changes characters

I've come across a situation where I need to filter elements created by the 'ng-repeat' directive, but I've applied a custom filter that swaps one character by another and vice versa, for each created element.

Then, if I search for the new character that was swapped, the filter won't find it - unless I search for the old one.

How do I apply this input filter after using my custom filter which swaps characters?

In my custom filter brNumber , dots are swapped by commas and vice-versa, so if I search for a dot the filter will find only the ones with comma.


< HTML >


First Name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstName">
<br />
The persons's objects have: | <span ng-repeat="i in person | orderBy: 'firstName' | filter:firstName">{{ ( i.firstName + ' ' + i.lastName ) | brNumber }} | </span>

{ Javascript.js }

app.filter( 'brNumber', function()
    return function( text )
        string = text.toString();        
        returnString = '';

        for ( i = 0; i < string.length; i++ )
            returnString += string[i] ===  ',' ? '.' :
                string[i] === '.' ? ',' : string[i]

        return returnString;

You can wrap a filtered value in same function as a filter in view. Check this https://jsfiddle.net/5Lcafzuc/3/

/// wrap filter argument in function
ng-repeat="i in person | orderBy: 'firstName' | filter: replace(firstName)"

/// add function in scope and use it in display filter
var replace = function(text) {        
         if(!text) {
           return false;

         if(text.indexOf(".") >= 0) {
           text = text.replace(".", ",");
         } else if(text.indexOf(",") >=0) {
           text = text.replace(",", ".");

         return text;

app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {    
    $scope.replace = replace;

app.filter( 'brNumber', function() {
    return function(text) {        
         return replace(text);

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