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Laravel 5 hasMany relationship on two columns

Is it possible to have a hasMany relationship on two columns?

My table has two columns, user_id and related_user_id .

I want my relation to match either of the columns.

In my model I have

public function userRelations()
    return $this->hasMany('App\UserRelation');

Which runs the query: select * from user_relations where user_relations.user_id in ('17', '18') .

The query I need to run is:

select * from user_relations where user_relations.user_id = 17 OR user_relations.related_user_id = 17 


I'm using eager loading and I think this will affect how it will have to work.

$cause = Cause::with('donations.user.userRelations')->where('active', '=', 1)->first();

I don't think it's possible to do exactly what you are asking.

I think you should treat them as separate relationships and then create a new method on the model to retrieve a collection of both.

public function userRelations() {
    return $this->hasMany('App\UserRelation');

public function relatedUserRelations() {
    return $this->hasMany('App\UserRelation', 'related_user_id');

public function allUserRelations() {
    return $this->userRelations->merge($this->relatedUserRelations);

This way you still get the benefit of eager loading and relationship caching on the model.

$cause = Cause::with('donations.user.userRelations', 
    ->where('active', 1)->first();

$userRelations = $cause->donations[0]->user->allUserRelations();

Compoships adds support for multi-columns relationships in Laravel 5's Eloquent.

It allows you to specify relationships using the following syntax:

public function b()
    return $this->hasMany('B', ['key1', 'key2'], ['key1', 'key2']);

where both columns have to match.

I'd prefer doing it this way:

public function userRelations()
    return UserRelation::where(function($q) {
         * @var Builder $q

public function getUserRelationsAttribute()
    return $this->userRelations()->get();

If anyone landed here like me due to google: As neither merge() (as suggested above) nor push() (as suggested here ) allow eager loading (and other nice relation features), the discussion is still ongoing and was continued in a more recent thread, see here: Laravel Eloquent Inner Join on Self Referencing Table

I proposed a solution there , any further ideas and contributions welcome.

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