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How to make jquery infinite repeat loop

I'm trying to implement a jQuery infinte loop with images inside a div. I've tried to do it with setInterval function, but the thing is that the whole animation is starting with a 3 sec delay, and the thing I want to achive is that the animation repeat it self when it comes to the end after 3 sec. I also tried to do a callback function after the .fadeTo but it's just applying on the first image, not the whole animation.

Here is the code:

    $('#animation-text img').each(function(i) {
        $(this).delay((i++) * 500).fadeTo(70, 1);
}, 3000);

And here is the jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/cavoledeni/edo5vcnz/

Any ideas?

Once image fade in then you need to hide the image , then it will work . Please check the below fiddle


var a=function(){
    $('#animation-text img').each(function(i) {
        $(this).delay((i++) * 100).fadeTo(900, 1);

 var b=function(){
    $('#animation-text img').each(function(i) {
setInterval(a, 5000);
 setInterval(b, 8000);


Update: Demo 2

function setIntervalAndExecute(fn, t) {
    return (setInterval(fn, t));

$(document).ready(function () {
    setIntervalAndExecute(function () {
        var $this = $('#animation-text img');
        $this.css({'opacity': 0});
        $this.each(function (i) {
            $(this).delay((i++) * 500).fadeTo(70, 1);
    }, 3000);



Try this. It launches right away and show's each image. Once all the images are shown ( each function finished ), I change the type to 0. type is another word for the opacity . So next time around the images get hidden.

function setIntervalAndExecute(fn, t) {
    return (setInterval(fn, t));

$(document).ready(function () {
    var type = 1;
    setIntervalAndExecute(function () {
        $('#animation-text img').each(function (i) {
            $(this).delay((i++) * 500).fadeTo(70, type);
        type = (type + 1) % 2;
    }, 3000);


try using fadeOut() to erase images:

 $(document).ready(function(){ setInterval(function(){ $('#animation-text img').each(function(i) { $(this).delay((i++) * 500).fadeTo(10,1); }); }, 3000); setInterval(function(){ $('#animation-text img').each(function(i) { $(this).delay((i++) * 500).fadeOut(10); }); }, 8000); }); 
  #animation-text { width: 100%; font-size: 0; border: 1px solid red; } #animation-text img { opacity: 0; } 
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="animation-text"> <img src="http://lorempixel.com/g/70/70/" alt=""> <img src="http://lorempixel.com/g/70/70/" alt=""> <img src="http://lorempixel.com/g/70/70/" alt=""> </div> 

Insert full animation into a function, then pass that function as the callback to the last animation. Example -

$(document).ready(function() {   
  function animateDivers() {
    $('#divers').animate({'margin-top':'90px'},6000).animate({'margin-  top':'40px'},6000, animateDivers); 

More details you can find here - how to loop a jquery div animation?

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