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getting and setting value in factory in angualrjs

This is my factory:

  var user = {};
  return {

  getFirstname : function () {
    return user.firstname;

  setFirstname : function (firstname) {
    user.firstname = firstname;


And I'm using this service in my two controllers MainCtrl and AccountEditCtrl I'm using my getFirstname() in my MainCtrl and setFirstname in AccountEditCtrl

.controller('MainCtrl',['userService', function(userService){
  $scope.userName = userService.getFirstName();

.controller('AccountEditCtrl',['userService', function(userService){
      userService.setFirstname("New First Name");

My problem is that when I use the userService.setFirstname() the $scope.userName don't change in MainCtrl.

In some case $watch is not working with factory object. Than you may use events for updates.

  var user = {};
  return {

  getFirstname : function () {
    return user.firstname;

  setFirstname : function (firstname) {
    user.firstname = firstname;

app.controller('MainCtrl',['userService','$scope','$rootScope', function(userService,$scope,$rootScope) {
  $scope.name = userService.getFirstname();
    $scope.name = userService.getFirstname();

app.controller('one',['userService','$scope', function(userService,$scope) {

Here is a working example

When using same object across controllers ,you have to define your service using the .service method like below:

  this.user = {};

  this.getFirstname = function () {
    return this.user.firstname;

  this.setFirstname = function (firstname) {
    this.user.firstname = firstname;


Use $timeout for broadcast event. it will help you.

app.factory('userService',['$rootScope', "$timeout", function($rootScope, $timeout){
var user = {};
return {

getFirstname : function () {
    return user.firstname;

setFirstname : function (firstname) {
    user.firstname = firstname;
    }, 1000)

app.controller('MainCtrl',['userService','$scope','$rootScope', function(userService,$scope,$rootScope) {
$scope.name = userService.getFirstname();
    $scope.name = userService.getFirstname();

app.controller('one',['userService','$scope', function(userService,$scope) {

You have two options to overcome this problem.

Solution 1st :

Adding a watch in your controller.

.controller('MainCtrl',['userService', function(userService) {

    $scope.userName = userService.getFirstName();

    $scope.$watch(function() {
        return userService.getFirstName();
    }, function(newValue) {
       $scope.username = newValue;

Solution 2nd :

.controller('MainCtrl',['userService', function(userService) {

    $scope.getUsername = function() {


Now your view should directly call this function.

<div class="username">{{getUsername()}}</div>

Now, according to Angular's doc, whenever the return value from a function call changes, Angular will update the values in the view.

sample factory with getter and setter example code

<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="FirstCtrl">
  <br>Input is : <strong>{{data.firstName}}</strong>
  <button ng-click="setData()">setData</button>

<div ng-controller="SecondCtrl">
  Input should also be here: {{data.firstName}}
  <button ng-click="getData()">getData</button>

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

myApp.factory('Data', function(){

    var service = {
        FirstName: '',
        setFirstName: function(name) {
            // this is the trick to sync the data
            // so no need for a $watch function
            // call this from anywhere when you need to update FirstName
            angular.copy(name, service.FirstName); 
    return service;

// Step 1 Controller
myApp.controller('FirstCtrl', function( $scope, Data ){
$scope.setData = function() {

// Step 2 Controller
myApp.controller('SecondCtrl', function( $scope, Data ){
    $scope.FirstName = Data.FirstName;

$scope.getData = function() {
        alert('get data '+Data.FirstName)

you should use $ watch so:

  return {
     user:{ 'firstname': 'defaultFirstname'},
     getFirstname : function () {
       return user.firstname;

     setFirstname : function (firstname) {
       user.firstname = firstname;
.controller('MainCtrl',['userService', function(userService){
  $scope.userName = userService.getFirstname();
  $scope.$watch('userService.user.firstname', function (newVal) {
      $scope.userName = newVal;

.controller('AccountEditCtrl',['userService', function(userService){
      userService.setFirstname("New First Name");

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