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CSS3/HTML5 Responsive images

I want to use different sized images depending on the webpage size. For example, my images has two different sizes:

<img src="images/img1.jpg" data-big="images/img1.jpg" data-small="images/img1small.jpg" alt=""></img>

The data-small image has a width of 100px.

@media (max-width:600px) {
    img[data-small] {
        content: attr(data-small, url); <-- not working
       /*width:10px;*/ <-- this would work

I testet it on Firefox 37.0.1, Chrome 42.0.2311.90 m and IE 11

If I resize the browser to a very small width (< 600px), the image is still the same.

content attr is used in :before and :after selectror. How ever you can use media query.

<img src="images/img1.jpg" class="big_image" alt="">
<img src="images/img1small.jpg" class="small_image" alt="">

and the css will be

@media (max-width:600px) {
    .small_image{ display:block }
    .big_image{ display:none }

@media (min-width:601px) {
    .small_image{ display:none }
    .big_image{ display:block }

Image tags work using the src attribute. In order to change the image, you need to change the src attribute, which you cannot do with CSS.

content: attr(data-small, url); does not change the src attribute. You're setting the content of the element to the data-small attribute, which does nothing on an img tag. As I mentioned, you cannot change the src attribute with CSS .

I'd advise using srcset . This will gracefully degrade in old browsers, and will work well in new browsers.

<img src="images/img1small.jpg" srcset="images/img1big.jpg 600w" alt="" />

Otherwise, user1936285's solution also works well.

Maybe you can use CSS background-image: url("image.png") instead of <img>

Something like this:

@media (max-width:600px) {
    .container{ background-image: url("imagebig.png") }

@media (min-width:601px) {
     .container{ background-image: url("imagesmall.png") }

WebPlatform CSS backgrounds


content: url(attr(data-small));

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