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Pop up alert messages in Javascript

My code should pop up an alert if radio button is not selected. My problem is that it only pops up if you have choosen one question. For example, i selected an answer in question 1 but not on question 2. So it gives an alert: Must select question number two! But my problem is that, if you don't select any, it doesn't alert me anything. If i haven't selected anything, it should pop up, 2 alerts, Must select question number one and after that, another alert, must select question number 2! any help would be appreciated, thanks!


    function checkAnswers(){
    var retval = false;
    var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');

        var inputName = inputs[i].getAttribute('name'); 
  //      var msg = document.getElementById('msg-' + inputName);
                var checker = document.getElementsByName(inputName);
                var counter = false;
                    if(checker[j].checked == true){
                    counter = true;
                    i += 4;
                if(counter == false){
                    alert("Must answer question number" + " " + inputName + "!");
                    retval = false;
                    i += 4;
        return retval;


    <form name="myForm" onsubmit="return checkAnswers()" id="form">
        <h3>Question No. 1.)</h3>What makes you smile?<br />
        <input name="one" type="radio" value="yes"  />A. Burger<br />
        <input name="one" type="radio" value="no" />B. Pizza <br />
        <input name="one" type="radio" value="no"  />C.Sunrise <br />
        <input name="one" type="radio" value="no"  />D. Kitkat<br />
        <span id="msg-one"></span><br />

            <h3>Question No. 2.)</h3>What's your favorite day?<br />
        <input name="two" type="radio" value="no"  />A. Hi<br />
        <input name="two" type="radio" value="yes"  />B. Hello<br />
        <input name="two" type="radio" value="no"  />C. Ahh<br />
        <input name="two" type="radio" value="no"  />D. Kitkat<br />
        <span id="msg-two"></span><br/>

            <input type="button" name='submit' value="Submit"  /><br />
            <span id="score"></span><br />


You have nested for loops, both using the variable "i". Try changing this so each loop has an individual (ideally descriptive) variable name.

Since you added , I'll suggest a solution using jQuery:

function checkAnswers() {
    var questions = {};
    $('#form input[type="radio"]').each(function() {
        // add all questions
        questions[this.name] = true;
    }).filter(":checked").each(function() {
        // remove questions that have an answer
        delete questions[this.name];
    for (var k in questions) {
        alert("Must answer question number " + k + "!");

questions is used here to mimic a set .

But your submit button also should have the type submit , not button or you need to add a onclick handler:

<input type="submit" name='submit' value="Submit"  />

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