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FullPage.js Normal scroll with horizontal slider


Hi, in this example, is it possible

  • To lose the auto scroll that automatically comes, whenever i reach in between a page?
  • The horizontal slider doesn't work on arrow press/swipe motion.

      $('#fullpage').fullpage({ menu: '#menu', anchors: ['firstPage', 'secondPage', '3rdPage'], sectionsColor: ['#C63D0F', '#1BBC9B', '#7E8F7C'], autoScrolling: false }); 

Here's my fiddle


To lose the auto scroll that automatically comes, whenever i reach in between a page?

Yeah. Use the fullpage.js option fitToSection:false . Demo

The horizontal slider doesn't work on arrow press/swipe motion.

No idea what you mean with arrow motion . Clicking on the arrows work as expected.

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