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Can you upload a binary to iTunes connect using OS x server bot?

I am using Xcode 6.3.1 and an OS x Server. is it possible to configure a bot to upload the binary to iTunes connect after successful build?

You can use Fastlane to upload your build directly to iTunes Connect, specifically using Deliver . You have to create an after integration script which will run a custom Fastlane lane where you need to call to deliver with the generated IPA file. Additionally you may need adding a before integration trigger in order to make some setup before the integration like installing CocoaPods dependencies and increasing the build number.

Recently I wrote a blog entry explaining the entire process of deploying your app to iTunes Connect using Mac Server 5, Xcode 7.2 and Fastlane. It may help you: https://blog.xmartlabs.com/2016/03/07/ci-with-xcode-server-and-fastlane/

Yes you can use application loader tool: altool --upload-app -f file -u username [-p password] [--output-format xml]

As described here: https://help.apple.com/itc/apploader/#/apdATD1E53-D1E1A1303-D1E53A1126

Prerelease and TestFlight distribution one click away make this a good idea in my opinion.

You should take look at Shenzhen which makes deploying to iTunes Connect really easy.

Then you just need two more scripts, one before to change the build number every time and one to execute Shenzhen on success.


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