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Facebook PHP SDK 4.0 Login with Lumen

I writing a small application where I'm trying to get some Facebook information, but I can't manage to get the authentication to work.

At first I've setup the AppServiceProvider with:

FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication(static::APP_ID, static::APP_SECRET);

Then In my view I just have a button which goes to the auth URL.
The auth route is using the HomeController@index , which contains the following:

public function auth(Request $request)
    $helper = new FacegroupRedirectLoginHelper($request->url());

    if($session = $helper->getSessionFromRedirect()) {

    return redirect($helper->getLoginUrl());

I've created my own FacebookRedirectLoginHelper which extends the base class of Facebook. This has the following methods, just to leverage the Lumen Session implementation:

protected function storeState($state)
    Session::put(static::SESSION_KEY, $state);

protected function loadState()
    return $this->state = Session::get(static::SESSION_KEY, null);

This code is not working somehow, I've seen people doing this on the internet as well. What could be wrong? The session is always NULL .

Facebook SDK V5 for Laravel Works Fine with Lumen you just have to change the Routing ... Here is how you configure and use LaravelFacebookSdk with Lumen

To use first

    "require": {
        "sammyk/laravel-facebook-sdk": "~3.0"

Then in your bootstrap/app.php of lumen add

// Facebook Sdk Provider

Then pubish the config ( Make sure you have config folder setup with lumen , By default it isn't there )

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SammyK\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdkServiceProvider"

The Main Step is to configure The Service provider and Laravel Facebook Sdk By Default LaravelFacebookSdk.php and LaravelUrlDetectionHandler.php uses Illuminate\\Routing\\UrlGenerator . You will find those files in vendor src folder replace it with Laravel\\Lumen\\Routing\\UrlGenerator . And you are done . ( Be careful editing vendor src files are not recommended because it will be overwritten next time you call composer update or new version appears on composer repository . This is just a Quick fix for testing . Fork it, make your own repo or find a way )

Then you wil be able to use LaravelFacebookSdk in Lumen like this

$app->get('/user', function(SammyK\LaravelFacebookSdk\LaravelFacebookSdk $fb){

    // Get basic info on the user from Facebook.
    try {

        $token = "your-access-token-here";


        $response = $fb->get('/me?fields=id,name,email');
    } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {

    // Convert the response to a `Facebook/GraphNodes/GraphUser` collection
    $facebook_user = $response->getGraphUser();



For the people who are new with Lumen. In order to make the Session service working, you have to enable it in your bootstrap/app.php line 55 to line 61.

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