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Submit form from JS code

I have this form:

@model project.Models.ChannelAndLocationViewModel

const string formId = "parentForm";

@using (Html.BeginForm("EditChannel", "Channel", FormMethod.Post, new { id = formId }))
        Html.RenderPartial("EditChannelForm", Model);
        <br /><br />
        <!--<input type="submit" value="Save"/>-->

    <input type="button" value="Save" onclick="editChannel('@Model.ChannelViewModel.ID', @formId)" />


I am trying to submit this form in the JS code that looks like this:

function editChannel(channelId, parentForm) {


    url: '/Channel/EditChannel/',
    type: "POST",
    cache: false,
    data: {
        id: channelId            
    success: function (msg) {
        alert("Msg: " + msg);
        if (msg === "ChangeOfSensitiveData") {
        } else {
    error: function (msg) {

But it seems that the form never gets submitted, as the model is not parsed to the controller. The model is null once the Action method is called. The action looks like this:

        public ActionResult EditChannel(int id, ChannelAndLocationViewModel updatedModel)
        { ...}

How can I submit the form from the JS file?

The model is null because it hasn't been added to the data. Try:

data: {
    id: channelId,
    updatedModel : { ...... }

Do it this way:

function editChannel(channelId, parentForm) {

    $("#formId").submit(function(event) {

            url: '/Channel/EditChannel/',
            type: "POST",
            cache: false,
            data: {
                id: channelId,
                updatedModel: parentForm
            success: function (msg) {
                alert("Msg: " + msg);
                if (msg === "ChangeOfSensitiveData") {
                } else {
            error: function (msg) {

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