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jQuery trigger click event not working on div

I want to trigger a click event on a div . I use the following code but it is not working.

<div id="showbanner">show banner</div>

What is that I am doing wrong? I actually want to show the banner 2 seconds after page is loaded. Before I could add delay event my click event for this div is not firing.

Here is my code example: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/aOzyxo

The issue is because your trigger('click'); call is the first thing in your script; it's called before the event is attached.

You need to move it to the end of the script so that the event handlers are bound when it is called:

Updated Codepen

enter code here

Try this .

$(function () {

    $(document).on("click", "#showbanner", function () {


show banner

Try this


$('#showbanner').on("click", function() { 



<div id="showbanner">show banner</div>

Try this

 $('#showbanner').on("click", function() { alert("test"); }); $('#showbanner').click(); 

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