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Laravel 4 how get routes by group name

In Laravel, I know I can get all routes using `Route::getRoutes() but I can't find if it is possible to get a list of all routes contained in a specified group.

For example, i have this route file:

Route::group(array('group_name' => 'pages'), function() {
    Route::any('/authentication', array('as' => 'authentication', 'uses' => 'LogController@authForm' ));
    Route::group(array('before' => 'auth_administration'), function() {
        Route::any('/tags_category/index', array('as' => 'index-tags-categories', 'uses' => 'TagsCategoryController@index'));
        Route::any('/tags_category/update', array('as' => 'update-tags-category', 'uses' => 'TagsCategoryController@update'));

Route::group(array('before' => 'auth_administration'), function() {
    Route::any('/tags_category/store', array('as' => 'store-tags-category', 'uses' => 'TagsCategoryController@store')); 
    Route::any('/tags_category/update/{id}', array('as' => 'update-form-tags-category', 'uses' => 'TagsCategoryController@updateForm')); 
    Route::any('/tags_category/delete/{id}', array('as' => 'delete-tags-category', 'uses' => 'TagsCategoryController@delete'));
}); // operazioni protette 

and in my controller i want obtain only routes contained in the first group (the one with the variable 'group_name').

Is it possible? If yes how I can do it? Thanks

The attributes passed to the group in the first parameter are stored on the route in the action array. This array can be accessed via the getAction() method on the route. So, once you get access to the route objects, you can filter based on this information.

$name = 'pages';
$routeCollection = Route::getRoutes(); // RouteCollection object
$routes = $routeCollection->getRoutes(); // array of route objects
$grouped_routes = array_filter($routes, function($route) use ($name) {
    $action = $route->getAction();
    if (isset($action['group_name'])) {
        // for the first level groups, $action['group_name'] will be a string
        // for nested groups, $action['group_name'] will be an array
        if (is_array($action['group_name'])) {
            return in_array($name, $action['group_name']);
        } else {
            return $action['group_name'] == $name;
    return false;

// array containing the route objects in the 'pages' group

User artisan to list all routes for the application

php artisan routes --name=admin

in Laravel 5

php artisan route:list --name=admin

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