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Javascript function is not returning the value

I am new to JS and taking a online class, I cant determine why this function does not return the intended value of 20.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script type = "text/javascript">
function calcpts(points)
    if (window.document.jsquiz.rad1[0].checked == true)
        var pts = 0;
        pts = pts + parseint(20);
        return pay;
<h1>JavaScript Quiz</h1>
<form name = "jsquiz">
    <p>Question #1 You can test a condition with an if..else statement or with  an if..elseif..else statement</p>
    <input type = "radio" name = "rad1" value="ques">True<br>
    <input type = "radio" name = "rad1" value="ques">False<br><br>
    <input type="button" name="toClick" value="calculate" onclick="grossPts.value = calcpts(points)" >
    <p>Your total points are: <input type="text" name="grossPts" size="5" /></p>

The first error is on this line:

<input type="button" name="toClick" value="calculate"       onclick="grossPts.value 
= calcpts(points)" >

there is not a points variable declared so it throws an error, you need to calculate it or pass a number, you're not using the variable inside your function anyways.

The second error is that parseint() does not exist, change it for parseInt()

A third error is inside your function, your using a pay variable that does not exist, you need to declare the variables in order to be able to use them. But i guess you meant to write pts instead of pay

Here's a gift, because why not?:

  function calcpts(points) { if (window.document.jsquiz.rad1[0].checked == true) { var pts = 0; pts = pts + parseInt(20); alert(pts); return pts; } } 
  <h1>JavaScript Quiz</h1> <form name = "jsquiz"> <p>Question #1 You can test a condition with an if..else statement or with an if..elseif..else statement</p> <input type = "radio" name = "rad1" value="ques">True<br> <input type = "radio" name = "rad1" value="ques">False<br><br> <input type="button" name="toClick" value="calculate" onclick="grossPts.value = calcpts(0)" > </p> <br> <p>Your total points are: <input type="text" name="grossPts" size="5" /></p> </form> 


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