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Sencha Cmd 5.1 error on updating Extjs framework relative/absolute path

I am using Sencha Cmd 5.1 to build my Extjs 5.1.0 application.

** when i change the ext framework path under .sencha/workspace/sencha.cfg file to **

ext.dir =../ext

or some absolute path like C:\\Temp\\Framework\\ext then it throw the following error. looks like it is finding the ext framework but failed to import other files within that file. is this a ruby compile issue ? I will really appreciate your help!!

any ideas ?

   [exec] [INF] executing compass using system installed ruby runtime

  ****[exec]     error ReviewViolations-example.scss (Line 2 of ../../../../../../ext/packages/ext-theme-neutral/sass/var/grid/column/Widget.scss: File to import not found or unreadable: ../../form/field/Base.scss.****

  [exec] Load paths:
  [exec]   D:/Build_Trunk/target/sencha/ReviewViolations/build/temp/production/ReviewViolations/slicer-temp
  [exec]   D:/Sencha/Cmd/
  [exec]   D:/Sencha/Cmd/
  [exec]   Compass::SpriteImporter)
  [exec]    create ReviewViolations-example.css 
  [exec] [ERR] 
  [exec] [ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.ExProcess: compass process exited with non-zero code : 1
  [exec] [ERR]  at c
  [exec] [ERR] om.sencha.command.environment.BuildEnvironment.execute(BuildEnvironment.java:252)

You may want to try ext.dir=${workspace.dir}/../SDK which has worked for me in the past. Hard to say if our situations were exactly the same though.

I think that changing the "ext.dir" config your paths to sass files exceed the maximum length of 256 chars in Windows. Take a look at the ReviewViolations-example.scss generated file.

Try to build sencha app in a Unix environment to be sure this is the problem, it should be work correctly!

I still don't have a satisfying solution.

Your folder hierarchy is too deep and long. Reduce the level of "../../../.." and try. The path length cant exceed more than 256 chars. You can look into .sencha/app/build-impl.xml in your app. If you can change the reference to your library before build or copy the library along with your app to a temp folder before you compile production/testing version of the app.

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