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Cakephp saving multiple records at once

Is it possible to use save more then one record in cakephp using the $this->save(); function?

save() is used to simply save a model:

    [ModelName] => Array
        [fieldname1] => 'value'
        [fieldname2] => 'value'

Assuming the above information was stored in an array called $data, one would call


in order to INSERT a record into the model's table (if id field is not specified) or UPDATE a record of the model's table (if id field is specified).

saveAll() is used to:

Save multiple records of a model

    [Article] => Array
        [0] => Array
            [title] => title 1
        [1] => Array
            [title] => title 2

So, you may save many models at the same time instead of looping and using save() each time.

Save related records of a model

    [User] => Array
        [username] => billy
    [Profile] => Array
        [sex] => Male
        [occupation] => Programmer

This would save both User and Profile models at the same time. Otherwise, you would have to call save() for User first, obtain the id of the newly saved user and then save Profile with user_id set to the obtained id .

Examples taken straight from the book .


 $dataMulti = array(
            'Info' =>
                'note' => "This is note 1",
                'delete_flag' => "f"
            'Info' =>
                'note' => "This is note 2",
                'delete_flag' => "f"
            'Info' =>
                'note' => "This is note 3",
                'delete_flag' => "f"

Save many records in once time We have two way belows:

1. $infoModel->saveAll($dataMulti);


2. $infoModel->saveMany($dataMulti);

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