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How to use jquery ui with requireJS and knockout-sortable?

I'm trying to use requireJS to manage dependencies in my first ever single-page javascript app. Having never used requireJS before, I'm struggling with something that I think is quit basic.

My project uses knockoutJS, and an addon called knockout-sortable, which provides knockout bindings for the jquery ui 'sortable' plugin. It all works fine when I just load jquery ui, knockout and everything else without requireJS.

My require main.js looks like this:

    baseUrl: '/Scripts',
    paths: {
        jQuery: 'jquery-2.1.3',
        jQueryUI: 'jquery-ui-1.10.2',
        knockout: 'knockout-3.3.0',
        knockoutSortable: 'knockout-sortable',
        AppViewModel: 'app/AppViewModel'
    shim: {
        "jQueryUI": {
            export: "$",
            deps: ['jQuery']
        "knockoutSortable": {
            export: ["ko"],
            deps: ['jQuery','jQueryUI']

require(['jQuery', 'jQueryUI', 'knockoutSortable', 'AppViewModel'], function ($, ui, ko, AppViewModel) {
    ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel());

But I get an error in my javascript that states:

GET http://localhost:8020/Scripts/jquery-ui/draggable.js 
require.js:166 Uncaught Error: Script error for: jquery-ui/draggable
require.js:1910 GET http://localhost:8020/Scripts/jquery-ui/sortable.js 
require.js:166 Uncaught Error: Script error for: jquery-ui/sortable

I'm guessing that knockout-sortable somehow requires the dependency jquery.ui/sortable.js, but that file doesn't exist, since jquery-ui is only one file!

This page https://learn.jquery.com/jquery-ui/environments/amd/ also suggests that I should organize my jquery ui files into some kind of folder structure, but I just have one jquery ui file, so I have no idea how to do that.

By the way: I'm using ASP.NET MVC 5 in visual studio, that why my scripts are in a 'Script' folder and not in a 'JS' folder. I've updated jquery, jquery ui and knockout to the latest versions using NuGet, and I've manually upgraded knockout-sortable to version 0.11, since that was released 4 days ago and is not yet available on nuget.

Does someone know what is going on here and how to fix it?

You can get the AMD modules when installing jquery-ui with bower or download them from github .

After you have the files you need, remove the shim config for jquery-ui since that should be used only for non-AMD scripts.

knockout-sortable is also an AMD module so you don't need any shim config.

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