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Upload rate limit on Dailymotion API

After an upload, the Dailymotion API return this error :

You reached your upload rate limit, please slow down.

That was the second upload of the journey, the first was for the same video. The video size is about 700 MB , and the duration is 2 hours . The account is not official. The first upload didn't sent that error, and another try some days after not any more.

So what limit has been reached?

The current limit is of 4 video per hour and 2 hours per day, so you probably reached the duration limit. For most users, the duration limit per video is of 3600 seconds and 2Gb per video, but all those rules may vary on a case-by-case basis.

You can check you limits per video using the api call: https://api.dailymotion.com/user/me?fields=limits&access_token=TOKEN where TOKEN is an access token of your user with the userinfo scope


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