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How to restart a windows device from my windows 8.1 store app using c# code in visual studios?

Hi guys I am creating a windows 8.1 application using visual studios, c# and XAML. I was wondering if there is some c# code I could use that could restart the users windows device automatically whilst the app was running? So just to be clear the user would press a button in my application for example and their device would maybe prompt them then restart?

Some code that I was using:

    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    static extern bool InitiateShutdown(string lpMachineName,
        string lpMessage,
        UInt32 dwGracePeriod,
        UInt32 dwShutdownFlags,
        UInt32 dwReason);

    public static void ShutdownWorkstation()
        UInt32 flags = 0x8;
        UInt32 reason = 0;
        UInt32 gracePeriod = 5;
        InitiateShutdown(System.Environment.MachineName, "", gracePeriod, flags, reason);
        //Console.WriteLine("Dummy Shutdown");

    public static void RestartWorkstation()
        UInt32 flags = 0x4;
        UInt32 reason = 0;
        UInt32 gracePeriod = 5;
        InitiateShutdown(System.Environment.MachineName, "", gracePeriod, flags, reason);
        //Console.WriteLine("Dummy Restart");

edit (regarding the comment about WinRt above): If using WinRT then the following post might be of interest: shutdown windows 8 from metro app

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