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Easiest way to deploy a Rails app (windows)

I have a rails app that needs to be put online (anywhere) - I am using a windows machine, I tried to deploy it using Heroku but that was a huge pain. The app only needs to go online so I can show it to someone - It only needs to be up about a week, so setting up a Virtual Linux system on my windows laptop is not a preference for me.

It sounds like you need to follow a specific procedure to get Gemfile.lock to work for Heroku. This answer has some basic instructions: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21488679/693349

However, you'd probably do better to read the full Heroku docs about "Deploying a Ruby Project Generated on Windows": https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/bundler-windows-gemfile .

Have you tried Digital Ocean?


Normally deployment at heroku works like charm, what was the problem?

Try Capistrano gem . Is an especific gem to deploy Ruby on Rails projects and it works perfect!

You have a good tutorial here to configure Capistrano.

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