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Xcode error when uploading to App Store: “No suitable application records were found”

I'm using Ionic to build an html app for iOS. I've registered an app on iTunes Connect.

All goes well in Xcode until I upload to the App Store. I get the following error:

iTunes Store operation failed.
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'com.iconicframework.app315125' is correct.

iTunes Store 操作失败

I suspect you should not be calling your app "com.ionicframework.app315125". That looks like a leftover name from an example project.

You need to create a new Bundle Identifier in the Developer portal:


Then choose it when you "Create New App" in iTunesConnect:


For me, I'd pick com.maniac-games.lowdown.

Maybe you need to review this document.

In other words:

  1. You must go to developer.apple.com and create a provisioning profile and bundle id.
  2. Assign devices to provisioning
  3. Then ... enter itunesconnect and create app and assign your bundle id.
  4. Enter to Xcode and reload provisioning files.
  5. Enter to Targets files and select provisioning.
  6. Product -> Archive and go on :)

For those who are seeing this answer after June 2020, I'm running XCode 11, and I got this error because I forgot to make an app in App Store Connect:


If you have XCode 11, under "Signing & Capabilities" -> "Automatically manage signing", it'll solve 90% of the problem for you, but the other 10% is just logging into your developer account, going to App Store Connect -> Apps -> (Blue "+" icon), then select a Bundle ID that matches your Bundle Identifier back in XCode.

I was also facing same issue..I fixed it by creating an app on itunesConnect before uploading app. once you created app on itunesconnect. you should not get this error anymore.

there should be some authentication and a place to store your build. and if you don't have an app on itunesconnect with same bundle id it will not let you upload your app.

I received the same error on multiple attempts.

Follow below step:
1) Create AppID inside developer site Identifiers -> IDS.
2) Create Provisioning Profiles Certificate Provisioning Profiles - > Distribution.
3) Create App inside iTunes and Give name of app, select Bundle identifier of app and just click on Create app.
4) Inside xcode select Product -> Archive wait few minute then open Organizer( Windows -> Organizer ) and show app in Organizer, Click on Upload to App store
5) Successfully you have upload app in app store.

Set the Same name.this way is success.




I had the same issue, after a while checking I added my app's details into AppstoreConnect then it was fixed!

Don't forget that at first you need to define a new bundle identifier and provisioning profile.

For me the problem was that the user used for uploading was set to Limited Access instead of Full Access. Fixed that via App Information > Additional Information > Edit User Access. Took me several hours to track down! It would of course have been helpful to get a slightly more detailed error message.

For the ones who get this error on an app which was sumbitable previously , please log in to iTunesConnect / AppStoreConnect and accept the latest Terms of Services or whatever legal message you have to approve .

Note that if you are working with an external publisher you need someone whose account has the highest permission to have the message appearing.

那么对我来说解决这个问题的是当弹出窗口(在验证时)出现实际的 bundleID 时更改 bundleID,这在当时是不正确的,但现在已修复,我的应用程序是通往 Appstore 的一种方式!

您需要在开发人员门户( https://developer.apple.com )中创建一个新的捆绑标识符,就像在 myapps 中使用相同的捆绑标识符创建您的应用程序一样

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