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css/js file path update in the html file using grunt

I have a folder structure, when I create the build folder using grunt, a hash need to be prefixed with .css file and that name need to be updated in the link tag in index.php.


After executing grunt command build folder need to be created with following structure


In the index.php

<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">

need to be replaced with

<link rel="stylesheet" href="2ed6bccd.main.css">

How can I achieve this?

You can use either grunt-rev or grunt-filerev tasks together with grunt-usemin for cache busting of static files in your index.php


config: {
  app: 'sitename',
  dist: 'build/sitename'
clean: {
  dist: {
    files: [{
      dot: true,
      src: [
        '<%= config.dist %>/*',
        '!<%= config.dist %>/.git*'
rev: {
  dist: {
    files: {
      src: [
        '<%= config.dist %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js',
        '<%= config.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css'
useminPrepare: {
  html: '<%= config.app %>/index.php',
  options: {
    dest: '<%= config.dist %>'
usemin: {
  html: ['<%= config.dist %>/{,*/}*.php'],
  css: ['<%= config.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css'],
  js: '<%= config.dist %>/scripts/*.js',
  options: {
    dirs: [
      '<%= config.dist %>', 
      '<%= config.dist %>/styles'
htmlmin: {
  dist: {
    options: {
    files: [{
      expand: true,
      cwd: '<%= config.dist %>',
      src: ['*.html', 'views/*.html'],
      dest: '<%= config.dist %>'
copy: {
  dist: {
    files: [{
      expand: true,
      dot: true,
      cwd: '<%= config.app %>',
      dest: '<%= config.dist %>',
      src: [
    }, {
      expand: true,
      cwd: '.tmp/images',
      dest: '<%= config.dist %>/images',
      src: [
  styles: {
    expand: true,
    cwd: '<%= config.app %>/styles',
    dest: '.tmp/styles/',
    src: '{,*/}*.css'

Your grunt build task:

grunt.registerTask('build', [

And then in your index.php , put your css ref in the following block

  <!-- build:css styles/main.css -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css">
  <!-- endbuild -->

This will rename sitename/css/main.css with an 8 character long hash prefix. For example sitename/css/9becff3a.main.css

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