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Angular Chart.js is not working with $http call

I am using angular chart for populating a pie chart. For populating the chart I need to make a $http.get() call in service and call the service method from controller. But the chart is not working if I make $http call.

 angular.module('shopAdminApp') .service('ChartService', ['$http',ChartService]) function ChartService($http) { this.GetAllChartData = function (month, year) { return $http.get('GetMonthlyStatistics?month=' + month + '&&year=' + year + ''); } } angular.module('shopAdminApp') .controller('chartCtrl', ["ChartService", ChartCtrl]); function ChartCtrl(ChartService) { // this.labels = ["Download Sales", "In-Store Sales", "Mail-Order Sales"]; // this.data = [10, 20, 100]; var promise = ChartService.GetAllChartData(12, 2012); promise.then(function (response) { console.log(response.data); this.chartsdata = response.data; this.labels = response.data.BranchNames; this.data = response.data.BranchMonthlyTotalSales; }); // console.log(this.chartsdata); } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> <canvas id="pie1" class="chart chart-pie" data="chart.data" labels="chart.labels" height="300" width="400"></canvas> 

If I un-comment the commented part, the pie chart works fine but I need to populate the value with $http call. How can I do that?

try sth like this:

function ChartCtrl(ChartService) {
    var self = this;

    var promise = ChartService.GetAllChartData(12, 2012);
    promise.then(function (response) {
        self.chartsdata = response.data;
        self.labels = response.data.BranchNames;
        self.data = response.data.BranchMonthlyTotalSales;

you have to remember that this keyword refer to current context, so when you're in promise callback function this no longer points to your controller, but to callback function itself.

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