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Phaser not making any sound on Android

I have this code for making sounds in my game built using Phaser which runs inside a browser on iOS and Android applications (wrappers).

While working fine on iOS, on Android I'm getting error messages and no sound at all when running the app in a webview.

My code:

preload:function() {
    game.load.audio('blast', 'assets/audio/blast.mp3');
    game.load.audio('collect_coin', 'assets/audio/Coin.mp3');


create:function() {         



The error message from the console:

E/MediaPlayer﹕ error (1, -2147483648)

When loading the files form a URL ( http://.. .) there is a sound although its not working well... (and I want the files to load locally anyway.)

Some browsers don't support MP3, usually the best option to support most browsers is to have both an OGG & an MP3 version of the sound, and provide them both in a game.add.audio('my', ['my.mp3', 'my.ogg']) call.

As the docs say , Phaser is clever enough to only actually load the first compatible file it finds, so don't worry about load time issues.

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