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Custom action in the edit view of sonata admin Bundle

I'm working with sonata Admin Bundle and I want to add a custom action in the edit view just like ( Update Update and close or Delete). I searched, but I didn't find a solution. I did this before but in the list View. I have tried to make the same thing in this case by following this answer SonataAdmin custom form action but it does not work and I got this error

Could not load type "actions" when I add

->add('_action', 'actions', array(
        'actions' => array(
            'view' => array('template' => 'ATSAdminBundle:CRUD:form__action_confirmation.html.twig')

in the


Any one can help me to do this plz ?

This is because configureFormFields() doesn't accept this entry. You can do this only in configureListFields() .

If you want to add an action in the edit form, like the buttons: "Update", "Update and close" or "Delete", then you have to override the following template:


Copy this file in app/Resources/SonataAdminBundle/views/CRUD

and add your action in the {% block formactions %} , something like this:

{% if admin.hasroute('view') %}
    <a class="btn btn-success" href="{{ admin.generateObjectUrl('view', object) }}">View</a>
{% endif %}

This is just an example to point you to the right direction. You have to adapt it.

Good luck!

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