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CSS Lint ignore all IE6 and IE7 based errors

I'm using Sublime Text 3, and CSS Linter .

In my settings I've put the ignore rule, and currently there is only the "outline-none" rule, I'd like to include all the rules which refer to IE6 and IE7 based errors.

Is there a list what are the IE6 and IE7 rules so that I can put them in the ignore array?

My CSSLint.sublime-settings look like this:

// CSSLint rules you wish to ignore. Must be an array. Leave blank to include all default rules.
    "ignore": ["outline-none"]

To answer my own question, in the end I figured how to do what I need:

    "user": {
        "debug": false,
        "delay": 0.25,
        "error_color": "D02000",
        "gutter_theme": "Packages/SublimeLinter/gutter-themes/Danish Royalty/Danish Royalty.gutter-theme",
        "gutter_theme_excludes": [],
        "lint_mode": "background",
        "linters": {
            "csslint": {
                "@disable": false,
                "args": [],
                "box-sizing": false,
                "errors": "",
                "excludes": [],
                "ignore": [
                "warnings": ""
            "eslint": {
                "@disable": true,
                "args": [],
                "excludes": []
            "jscs": {
                "@disable": true,
                "args": [],
                "excludes": []
            "jshint": {
                "@disable": false,
                "args": [],
                "excludes": [],
                "ignore": [
                "newcap": false,
                "tab_size": 4
            "jslint": {
                "@disable": true,
                "args": [],
                "excludes": [],
                "ignore": [
                "newcap": false
            "php": {
                "@disable": false,
                "args": [],
                "excludes": []
        "mark_style": "outline",
        "no_column_highlights_line": false,
        "passive_warnings": false,
        "paths": {
            "linux": [],
            "osx": [],
            "windows": []
        "python_paths": {
            "linux": [],
            "osx": [],
            "windows": []
        "rc_search_limit": 3,
        "shell_timeout": 10,
        "show_errors_on_save": false,
        "show_marks_in_minimap": true,
        "syntax_map": {
            "html (django)": "html",
            "html (rails)": "html",
            "html 5": "html",
            "php": "html",
            "python django": "python"
        "warning_color": "D02000",
        "wrap_find": true

Just go to Preferences > Package Settings > SublimeLinter > Settings - User and paste the above in the opened file.

These are the options that I found not to be of practical importance, so I just ignored them.

Hope it helps :)

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