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wordpress - add author picture on top of the post image

I am working in a custom theme in wordpress. One of the pages "solutions_page", displays all the post with category "solutions", with it featured image, the title and some text.

On top of the featured image, I need to add a circle with a picture of the author.

Here is my problem, I don't know where or how to do it. I was thinking I should put a div position absolute to the featured image, and then make it circle. But how can I do it if I do not have the featured image in code?

Here is my single.php, which it is not doing the job as I do not see my div for the picture:

<?php get_header(); ?>

<div class="container">
    if (have_posts()) {
        while (have_posts()) {

            if (in_category('solutions')) {
              <div class="authorCircle">
                <img src="images/jules.jpg" alt=""/>
          } else {
      } // end while
  } // end if

So authorCircle is the div I want to see in the content of the post with category "solutions".

Any ideas how can I do it? Should I put the div inside the_content()?

Thank you in advance!!

Please use this code it will display author avatar at your code.

<?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta('ID'), 60); ?>

In above code respectivly you want get author id.

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