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How to cache email html on laravel?

Im working with laravel framework and i need to save html to cache file, .html or etc. file to show on the browser than the link is clicked in the newsletter email. (link: View email in browser).

in the integration.blade.php are included @include('emails/header') and @include('emails/footer')

here is the mail send code:

Mail::send('emails/integration', array('type' => ucfirst($type)), function($message) use ($type)
    $message->to( Auth::user()->email, Auth::user()->fullname)->subject('Successful name and '.ucfirst($type).' store integration!');

After this i need cache html.

View email in browser link to be like address.com/email/?html=gbfvisbiudoanlfdlsakdnlsakndlasn

You can use the main principle used in Sending e-mail in Laravel with custom HTML but after making the view you can cache it:

$minutes = ...
$viewData = [
    'type' => ucfirst($type)
$html = Cache::remember('email/integration', $minutes, function()
    return View::make('email/integration', $viewData)->render();

Mail::send('emails.echo', ['html' => $html], function($message) use ($type)
    $message->to(Auth::user()->email, Auth::user()->fullname)->subject('Successful name and '.ucfirst($type).' store integration!');

Code is untested but I'm sure you get the principle.

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