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how to use emacs tramp with ssh remote to server

I want use emacs remote server(freebsd use sftp with ssh). I already read this and write (require 'tramp) (setq tramp-default-method "ssh") in my .emacs. I use Cc Cf RET /sftp:ganluo-home-vm-freebsd-user@ . But it does not work

Look Here:I use emacs for windows so can't direct use tramp.Have to download plink.exe(I use it maybe had other way) and do some other exp:

  1. first download here (also you can found some windows conntion unix\\linux software in this website).Find plink.exe download it (offer release and development and source code)
  2. than you can cut plink.exe in the your emacs\\bin directory.
  3. find your Environment Variables Edit/New "PATH" Add your emacs\\bin complete directory and last the path must with ';'


  4. then sign out use cmd test plink command is useful.if doesn't restart you PC.
  5. Cc Cf /pink:YouName@HOST[IP,HOSTName]:/
  6. it had some problem,I will post new status right here.

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