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How to bind JQuery UI Sortable widget to html loaded via Ajax?

This is probably a simple question.

I have the following javascript/jquery:

$('body .combo-table').sortable({
    handle: '.grabber',
    opacity: 0.9,
    axis: 'y',
    start: function (e, ui) {

    stop: function (e, ui) {


The .combo-table class div is loaded via Ajax. When I refresh the page the above works fine but if I load the content through Ajax it doesn't work. How can I have it bind even if I load the content later?

Just do it in your success callback

      {url: "demo_test.txt", 
      success: function(result){
      ...whatever code you use to update the DOM...
      $('body .combo-table').sortable({
          handle: '.grabber',
          opacity: 0.9,
          axis: 'y',
          start: function (e, ui) {

          stop: function (e, ui) {


If you do not want to fire this in every ajax call, you can add flags such as custom attributes after you initialize the sortable like

$('body .combo-table').attr('data-is-sortable');

and then check for it before initializing the sortable

if($('body .combo-table:not([data-is-sortable])')
//initialize sortable

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