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How to access scope variables from within a directive in angular.js?

I have defined my own custom filter, in order to search through posts in an angular.js web application:

app.filter('myfilter', function() {
return function(postList, term) {
  var out = [];

  if(!postList) return out;    
  if(!term) return postList;

  var i;
  for(i = 0; i < postList.length; i++){
    if(postList[i].title.indexOf(term) >=0){

        if(postList[i].text.indexOf(term) >=0){
    return out;

Of course the above will not work, because I can't access scope variables, and simply passing the $scope doesn't work as well. How could I do it - is there any simple and fast way?

Edit: source http://plnkr.co/edit/G9BFBTaKdUmki8MJegrn?p=catalogue

You can pass any number of scope members directly to the filter (separated by a colon)...


Update the filter method signature...

function(postList, term, isContentFilterOn) {

Then use it how you wish...

 if (isContentFilterOn) { 

Oh and don't forget you may need to define isContentFilterOn in the scope as false to begin with so it's available to the filter right away...

$scope.isContentFilterOn = false;

Updated Plunker here to show what I mean...


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