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rails actionview: How to “not show” attributes if receiving nil or something else

Is there an easy way to remove options attributes for the tag or content_tag helper?

<%= content_tag :div, content, {
  class: 'content',
  style: styles_hash.map{|x| "#{x[0].underscore.dasherize}: #{x[1]}"}.join('; '),
  data: {
    hyperlink: (hyperlink if hyperlink.present?)
} %>

In this example, I'm wondering how to remove the data-hyperlink . Even if I throw a nil or false it stills displays as either data-hyperlink="null" or data-hyperlink="false" respectively. I need it to not display entirely if not present.

I've gotten a solution like this but I'd like to know if there is any better, or inside that data attribute?

<%= content_tag :div, content, {
  class: 'content',
  style: styles_hash.map{|x| "#{x[0].underscore.dasherize}: #{x[1]}"}.join('; '),
  'data-hyperlink' => (hyperlink if hyperlink.present?)
} %>

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