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How to prevent a ng-click event on a div in a sub controller from triggering an ng-click in the root?



I have a parent child controller example above, in the child when a button is clicked I displays the div showPop and then will $emit an event upwards to the $rootScope .

Now in the parent / $rootScope I "hear" that event then activate another function.

That function in the $rootScope triggers the bodyClick click function to be active, so once a click is registered in the body/parent/rootScope the div showPop is now hidden.

The problem is that while I want clicks on the body to close that div out, I do NOT want clicks on the actual div itself to trigger it to close?

How could I accomplish this / work around the $rootScope ng-click event?

.controller('mainController', ['$scope', '$rootScope',
                              function($scope,$rootScope) {

  var unbind = $rootScope.$on('popoverOpen');

  $scope.$on('popoverOpen', function(events, data) {
    console.log('popoverOpen is heard!')
    $scope.bodyClick = function() {
        console.log('bodyClick sent down from main');
        $scope.theAction = 'bodyClick sent down from main';

    $scope.$on('$destroy', unbind);

.controller('subController', ['$scope', '$rootScope',
                             function($scope, $rootScope) {

  $scope.callPop = function($event) {
    $rootScope.theAction = 'popoverOpen emitted up from sub';
    $scope.showPop = true;

  $scope.$on('bodyClick', function() {

    console.log('bodyClick received in sub!');
    $rootScope.theAction = 'bodyClick received in sub!';
    $scope.showPop = false;


<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="mainController" ng-click="bodyClick()">


<div class="sidebar" ng-controller="subController">
  <button ng-click="callPop($event)">Click Me</button>

  <div ng-show="showPop" class="pop-box">This is showPop, clicking in here should not close it, clicking outside should!</div>

<section class="the-section">


You could try something with an overlay. A click on the overlay close the pop and also prevent the click to go further.

Glad this suggestion helped you.

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