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Kendo Grid with client template

This is my Telerik Grid. I want to convert it into Kendo Grid.
I have to write this code into Kendo Grid:

   .Columns(columns =>{ columns.Template(@<text>
   @if (item.EventTypeID == 2 || item.EventTypeID == 3)
 var nurserole = new string[] { OperationRoles.Nurse.ToString() };
 if (item.EventTypeID == 2 && nurserole.Any(MDA.AppController.GlobalController.CSRRoles.Isinrole))
  <a href="@Url.Action("CreateConsultation", "Operations", new { customerID = item.EventPatientID, type = item.EventTypeID, IsEdit = item.Ord_ID })">
                                    Edit/ Modify Consult
                                </a> <br />
                                <a href="Javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:cancelConsult(@item.Ord_ID)" style="color:Red;">
                                </a><br />
                 </text>).Title("Action Links");
               .Sortable() )  }

you could check the Migration guide , that describes the differences between the Telerik and Kendo UI Grid. Looking at the code, it seems similar to the Grid in the following demo .

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