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import CSV data to MYSQL

I am building an expert system with naive bayes method. I have a few table : rule, choice and diagnosis Rule:

|1 |      1|           1|        1|
|2 |      1|           2|        3|
|3 |      1|           3|        5|
|4 |      1|           4|        7|
|5 |      2|           1|        2|
|6 |      2|           2|        4|
|7 |      2|           3|        6|
|8 |      2|           4|        7|


|           1|      AAA|
|           2|      BBB|
|           3|      CCC|
|           4|      DDD|


|        1|           1|    aa|
|        2|           1|    bb|
|        3|           2|    cc|
|        4|           2|    dd|
|        5|           3|    ee|
|        6|           3|    ff|
|        7|           4|    gg|
|        8|           4|    hh|

Within user interface, I can manually input the parameter (add rule) using select option form. With the name of option is id_choice and id_diagnosis. But I have many data that I need to calculate to this system. I have the data in csv format, the same format as the output of rule list ini my system like this:

|1   |aa |cc |ee |gg | 
|2   |bb |dd |ff |gg |

But the problem is, I don't know how to add the data from csv format to database since in the table rule it only record the id, not the name of choice and diagnosis itself. I know that we can convert csv to multidimensional arrat, but I still confuse how to convert from name to id without doing it manually. Thanks

here is command:

    LOAD DATA INFILE 'c:/country.csv' 
    INTO TABLE *table_name*

Keep one thing in mind, never appear , in second column, otherwise your import will stop

Selamat malam.

You must import these data from one by one table which include a Primary key, then import data from tables which include a Foreign key

Except you want a backup/restore database, you must import all table of database.

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