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Find control property by name

I'm building C# WPF application with many CheckBoxes in it contained in different Grids. Here's an sample of the XAML code:

<Grid x:Name="grid1">
  <CheckBox x:Name="box1" Content="Box 1"/>
  <Grid x:Name="grid4">
    <CheckBox x:Name="box12" Content="Box 12"/>

and so on.

In the code-behind I need to get a list of the boxes with property IsChecked="True" by count_btn_Click()

I've tried everything I could and found nothing. (Please remember I'm just an amateur so put more description if possible).

UPD1 (to the Charles Mager's comment): Is there a more simple way? Eg if I have a predefined list of checkboxes' names.

if I have a predefined list of checkboxes' names

How would you obtain that predefined list?

One example might look like this:

class MainWindow : Window
    private CheckBox[] _checkBoxes;

    public MainWindow()

        _checkBoxes = 
            // etc.

Then you should be able to obtain an enumeration of the objects through a simple LINQ filter:

_checkBoxes.Where(x => x.IsChecked);

For example:

foreach (CheckBox checkBox in _checkBoxes.Where(x => x.IsChecked))
    // do something with each checkBox value

I hope the above gets you pointed in the right direction. It's impossible to provide specific advice without a good, minimal , complete code example that clearly shows what you're trying to accomplish; if the above doesn't seem helpful enough, please edit your question so that it includes enough detail to understand what you really need help with.

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