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CSS Radial Gradient?

So I made something simple like this in photoshop for my header: http://i.imgur.com/U4GYzFV.png

and I've been doing research on radial gradients in CSS and I found how to get to this point, but I don't know how to adjust it to get it to look more like the photoshop one.

Any help would be appreciated!

 #header { height: 220px; width: 100%; background-image: radial-gradient( circle closest-side, #6fa5d9, #51789d ); } 
 <header id="header"></header> 

You would want something like this:

background: radial-gradient(ellipse at center, #50779d 0%,#50779d 37%,#557fa6 47%,#557ea5 51%,#50779d 59%,#50789d 100%); 


Further Reading

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