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Hiding and showing div series using Javascript

I'm making basic GPA calculator using Javascript.

Here is my code:

<div class="list">

    <div class="row">
      <div class="col col-50">Subject 1</div>
      <div class="col"><input type="text" name ="GR1" placeholder="Grade"></div>
      <div class="col"><input type="tel" name="CR1" placeholder="Credits"></div>

    <div class="row">
      <div class="col col-50">Subject 2</div>
      <div class="col"><input type="text" name ="GR2" placeholder="Grade"></div>
      <div class="col"><input type="tel" name ="CR2" placeholder="Credits"></div>

<button class="button button-positive">
  Add Another Field //it can add uptop 10 fields


It will increment the same div series while incrementing the input name up to 10 fields. User can click Add Another Field and add a new div field.

In every div field, it only changes the subject and input fields' name with an incrementation of 1.


What is the best way to achieve this without duplicating the same thing over and over? Or do I need to first create 10 div forms and hide all and show them one by one upon each click? Please give me example.

Here is a solution that is in pure Javascript that will allow you to add up to 10 "field blocks". In the HTML file, put:

<div id="list">
    <button onclick="addRow()">Add another field</button>

And here's the Javascript function to add a new row, and initialise the two first row:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {

function addRow() {
    var element = document.getElementById('list');
    var nextId = element.childElementCount;
    if (nextId <= 10) {
        var div = document.createElement('div');
        div.setAttribute('class', 'row');
        div.innerHTML = '<div class="col col-50">Subject ' + nextId + '</div><div class="col"><input type="text" name ="GR' + nextId + '" placeholder="Grade"></div><div class="col"><input type="tel" name="CR' + nextId + '" placeholder="Credits"></div>';
        element.insertBefore(div, element.getElementsByTagName('button')[0]);

You can try it online on the following fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/w82t30r4/

Try jQuery's clone ( read about it here )

    $row = $(".row").clone();

What's happening is that I clone the row to start with (before any data is in it). Then I add a clone of that clone to .list when the button is clicked.

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