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Getting “Binary operator ~= cannot be applied to two (Int, Int) operands” in Swift switch statement with (Int, Int) tuple cases

I have a UITableViewController with a private enum called IndexPath as a nested type.

class SettingsViewController: UITableViewController {

    enum IndexPath {
        case Gender, Weight, EmergencyContact

        var tuple: (Int, Int) {
            switch self {
            case .Gender:
                return (0, 0)

            case .Weight:
                return (0, 1)

            case .EmergencyContact:
                return (1, 0)


The point of this is so that inside my cellForRowAtIndexPath , I can simply put the section and row in a tuple and make a switch statement to match the enum values. That way, I get to do customise the cell as I should for that index path:

switch (indexPath.section, indexPath.row) {
case IndexPath.Gender.tuple:
    // Do something.

case IndexPath.Weight.tuple:
    // Do something.

case IndexPath.EmergencyContact.tuple:
    // Do something.



However, I keep getting a compiler error Binary operator ~= cannot be applied to two (Int, Int) operands on the lines where the switch cases are. Any idea what that means? I'm not even aware of an operator ~= and neither am I explicitly using it.

Do this.

  switch (indexPath.section, indexPath.row) {
    case (IndexPath.Gender.tuple.0, IndexPath.Gender.tuple.1):
         // Do something.

    case (IndexPath.Weight.tuple.0, IndexPath.Weight.tuple.1):
        // Do something.

    case (IndexPath.EmergencyContact.tuple.0, IndexPath.EmergencyContact.tuple.1):
        // Do something.



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