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node.js iisnode https 500 HRESULT 0x6d subStatus 1013

I'm currently working on a realtime chat with socket.io and node.js. On my development machine everything works fine. I can call my socket.io-server on port 888.

The same port is free and reachable on my production server.

I can't figure out why IIS raises an 500 error. Has anyone an idea?

Following error is thrown:

HTTP status: 500
HTTP subStatus: 1013
HTTP reason: Internal Server Error

My problem was that my IIS hosted site run on 443 https. On node.js I wanted also to use https with the same .pfx file. This doesn't seem to work.

Also there is no need to use https for node.js if the site is hosted in SSL environment. The connection runs over wss and is secured.

Instead of require('https') I came up with require('http') .

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