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How to programmatically tell if a element is a self closing tag

Using JavaScript and according to the HTML standard, how do I accomplish this? don't know where to start coding a function where isSingleClosing('input') must return true (note the /> ) while isSingleClosing('div') returns false for example. self or single closing tag looks like this <tag/> and non single closing <tag></tag>

The most consistent and easiest would be to keep a list of self-closing elements

var elems = ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'command', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr'];

function isSingleClosing(elem) {
    return elems.indexOf( elem.tagName.toLowerCase() ) !== -1;

Such an isSingleClosing function would look like this:

 const isSingleClosing = (tagName, ns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml") => { const elem = document?.createElementNS?.(ns, tagName) ?? document.createElement(tagName); return !(window.XMLSerializer ? new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(elem) : elem.outerHTML).includes("></"); }; console.log("Is tag 'img' self-closing?", isSingleClosing("img")); console.log("Is tag 'p' self-closing?", isSingleClosing("p")); console.log("Is tag 'bgsound' self-closing?", isSingleClosing("bgsound")); console.log("Is tag 'image' self-closing?", isSingleClosing("image")); console.log("Is tag 'image', in namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', self-closing?", isSingleClosing("image", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg")); console.log("Is tag 'animateTransform' self-closing?", isSingleClosing("animateTransform")); console.log("Is tag 'animateTransform', in namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', self-closing?", isSingleClosing("animateTransform", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"));

It creates the element based on the passed tagName and attempts to serialize it. It then tries to find ></ in the serialization. If it's found, it's not a self-closing tag, so return false , otherwise it is one, so return true . This function easily supports different namespaces (eg HTML elements, SVG elements, MathML elements, etc.) using createElementNS .

At least one of outerHTML and XMLSerializer is supported in virtually every browser. However, XMLSerializer is aware of different namespaces and yields more accurate results. The code above is also written in ECMAScript 2020, which can be transpiled into something more compatible for older browsers, which, in turn, don't support all of the methods used in the code.

This only covers tags supported in the browser running this function. It will return true for bgsound , but false for command or menuitem which are deprecated, not standardized, or were never supported by any browser to begin with. <image> may have some non-standard or legacy behavior where it's recognized as a self-closing HTML element.

There's probably no way to get all cases right in both a backward- and forward-compatible way. But this is better than keeping a long list of elements up to date.

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