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Eta reduction for data modification

I get a warning to eta reduce the following lambda expression.

\(DataType arg1 arg2) -> DataType (modify arg1) arg2

The internet tells me eta-reducing means to leave out unnecessary lambdas.

map (\x -> fun x) list
map fun list

How is that applicable to the code above? Am I perhaps just missing a basic syntax for modifying data types?

For this case you can't eta reduce it any further. There is only a single argument to the lambda, namely (DataType arg1 arg2) . These are not separate arguments, as indicated by the parentheses, but instead you are pattern matching on a constructor. In reality, the compiler will reduce this expression to something more like

\arg -> case arg of
    DataType arg1 arg2 -> DataType (modify arg1) arg2

Here it is more clear that there is only one argument to the lambda, and it is not used in such a way that it can be reduced. The main rule for reduction is when you have something like

\a b c -> f b a c

The c argument appears as the last term in the argument declaration and in the expression, so it can be dropped:

\a b -> f b a

Now, if we wanted to reduce this lambda we could define a higher order function

flip f a b = f b a

And write it as simply

flip f

(Note that flip already exists in Prelude ).

Another rule you can apply is when dealing with the $ operator. Put simply, if you have something like

\a b c -> f a $ g b $ h c

Then you can first turn this into a composition:

\a b c -> (f a . g b . h) c

And now it is simple to drop the c argument

\a b -> f a . g b . h

And in general, you can usually swap $ s for . s and drop the last argument.

Again, this doesn't apply in your case because your function only has 1 argument, and that argument is pattern matched on to pull out a constructor's arguments, then an entirely new value is reconstructed from it.

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