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How to make parts of Protractor wait or become synchronous?

I have code like this in a protractor test, it goes to a home page determines we need to login and then calls this function. Note I'm running this in a NODE.js environment:

function Login() {
    browser.findElement(by.id('ID')).then(function (ele) {
        browser.findElement(by.id('password')).then(function (ele) {
            browser.findElement(by.partialButtonText('Sign in')).then(function (ele) {
                browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function (url) {

But I can't get the click to fire prior to validating the browser.getCurrentUrl() , so what's happening is I'm getting the url of the login page, I want to get the url after the click to login .

I suspect it's my misunderstanding of how the Asynchronous nature of this works.

How to make parts of Protractor wait or become synchronous?

You can wait for the url to change with the help of browser.wait() :

var urlChanged = function(url) {
  return function () {
    return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(actualUrl) {
      return url === actualUrl;

element(by.partialButtonText('Sign in')).click();

browser.wait(urlChanged("http://NextURLAfterClick")), 5000);

where urlChanged , in selenium terms, is a "Custom Expected Condition".

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