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floating.pie error while using nodelables from ape package

I get an error while using the ARD model of the ace function in R. The error is

Error in floating.pie.asp(XX[i], YY[i], pie[i, ], radius = xrad[i], col = piecol) : floating.pie: x values must be non-negative

tree <- read.nexus("data1.nexus")
data <- read.csv("phagy_species.csv")
clade.full <- extract.clade(tree, node=91)
clade.1 <- drop.tip(clade.full, "Bar_bre")
clade.2<- drop.tip(clade.1, "Par_pho")
clade.3<- drop.tip(clade.2, "Par_iph")
clade.4<- drop.tip(clade.3, "Eur_ser")
clade.5<- drop.tip(clade.4, "Opo_sym")
clade.6<- drop.tip(clade.5, "Mor_pel")
clade.7<- drop.tip(clade.6, "Aph_hyp")
clade.8<- drop.tip(clade.7, "Ere_oem")
clade.9<- drop.tip(clade.8, "Cal_bud")
clade.10<- drop.tip(clade.9, "Lim_red")
clade.11<- drop.tip(clade.10, "Act_str")
clade.12<- drop.tip(clade.11, "Hel_hec")
clade.13<- drop.tip(clade.12,"Col_dir")
clade.14<- drop.tip(clade.13, "Hyp_pau")
clade.15<- drop.tip(clade.14, "Nym_pol")
clade.16<- drop.tip(clade.15, "Mel_cin")
clade.17<- drop.tip(clade.16,"Apa_iri")
clade.18<- drop.tip(clade.17, "Bib_hyp")
clade.19<- drop.tip(clade.18, "Mar_ors")
clade.20<- drop.tip(clade.19, "Apo_cra")
clade.21<- drop.tip(clade.20, "Pse_par")
clade.22 <- drop.tip(clade.21, "Lep_sin")
clade.23<- drop.tip(clade.22, "Dis_spi")
data2 <- as.numeric(data[,2])
model2 <- ace(data2, clade.23, type="discrete", method="ML", model="ARD")
d <-logLik(model2)
plot(clade.23, type="phylogram", cex=0.8, font=3, label.offset = 0.004)
co <- c("red", "blue", "green", "black")
nodelabels(pie = model2$lik.anc, piecol = co, cex = 0.5)

And that is when I get the error. There is no error if I use the original tree without trimming. But, when i trim them to my requirements, it goes in the negative.

Here is the data tree file

data file

The matrix you are using for the proportions of the pie has complex numbers in it. To see this, try:


The rows of that matrix define the proportions of the pies, and they need to sum to 1. Your code produces a plot with pies if I replace the pie matrix in the nodelabels function like this:

nodelabels(pie = matrix(0.25, 64, 4), piecol = co, cex = 0.5)

because now there is a legitimate matrix for the pie argument with rows that sum to 1.

As for why you have complex numbers in that matrix, I am not sure. It is probably related to all the warnings produced by the ace in your example. But that is a completely different issue.

I had the same problem with my data. I put my data into the matrix (like Slow Ioris suggested) and then unlisted the matrix.

x <- matrix(data=c(model2$lik.anc[,1],model2$lik.anc[,2],model2$lik.anc[,3],model2$lik.anc[,4]))
plotTree(tree,ftype="i",label.offset = 0.02)
nodelabels(pie = unlist(x))

对于在清除数据的可想象部分后也遇到相同问题的其他人:当您向pie提供 data.frame 而不是矩阵时, nodelabels 函数会给出相同的错误。

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