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How to configure dynamically cakephp applications with nginx?

My problem is: I'm trying to configure a nginx with multiple cakephp applications (that will be added and removed from time to time). And I want to this configuration to be dynamic (if the subdirectory exists, then it will be loaded as a cakephp application, if not, 404).

But the thing is: I cannot configure the nginx to serve correctly the root for each application (i do not want to put every location on my conf file).


/var/www/cakephp1 + /app/webroot/ Will be served as: www.mydomain.com/cakephp1
/var/www/cakephp2 + /app/webroot/ Will be served as: www.mydomain.com/cakephp2

I know how to make a configuration to run a single app. Any ideas how to achieve this? With dynamic configuration?

You can use try_files for this easily. If you match anything in your location directive, you can reuse any part of the matching group in your try_files directives to try multiple locations. Also, you can use things such as $http_host to compose a different app root.

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