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Running Meteor mobile app on physical Android device

I'm having an hard time trying to run my Meteor app on my Android device (LG G2). I googled for answer and didn't find anything like what I encounter. I followed the instuction and everything went fine, added the Android platform to my project and ran it with meteor run android-device . The device LG G2 is plugged with a USB cable to the machine I'm building and running the app with, and the device has USB debugging enabled. Everything seem to be fine, my terminal indicates:

Started proxy.
Started app on Android Device.
I20150530-16:38:11.280(3)? - waiting for device -
Started MongoDB.
Started your app.

App running at: http://localhost:3000/

No error indication, nothing suspicous, but the app doesn't come up on the device. Nothing happens. Anyone has a clue? I tried to give my own IP and port to the command without a change.

You need to set the USB connexion on your android device as "camera". Whith my s4 mini I had the same symptoms and that was the solution.

I'll list what I've done to solve it, because it's a mix of all the solutions I got here.

I'm using Ubuntu, and LG G2 as device.

  • I created the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules. file with
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="1004", GROUP="plugdev" inside. (Detailed instructions here on step 3: http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html#setting-up , thank you @ChristianFritz). Pay attention that "1004" is the vendor
    ID of LG.

  • I realised that for some reason I didn't have the ADB on my machine so I couldn't use adb devices and connect with my device. I followed this guide:
    http://lifehacker.com/the-easiest-way-to-install-androids-adb-and-fastboot-to-1586992378 to install the missing ADB (linux section).

  • I got an error: adb server is out of date. killing... adb server is out of date. killing... which terminated connection between the device to the machine, but after following @yoh advice, I changed my USB connection from MTP to PTP and tried again. This time worked.

Managed to run my app successfully on physical LG G2 after those steps using Ubuntu.

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