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redirect main domain to subdomain manually select by visitor

I have two wordpress website. One installed in main domain and another one installed in sub-domain under main domain. I'm doing this to manage 2 different language. I know there are so many plugins to manage multi language in site. But I have to do this manually.

But now i need to done a small job. I want to show a notification when any visitor will visit my main site for the 1st time. There I'll give 2 Language option to choose.

Option-1 Language English for main domain. (example.com)
Option-2 Language Spanish for Sub domain. (sp.example.com)

When visitor will select Option-1 he will stay in main site(domain) . If he select Option-2 then he will be redirected to the another site(sub-domain) and after this it'll happen automatically every time he visits

main site(domain)

. But visitor can manually come back to main domain from sub-domain.

Any solution will be highly appreciated. Thanks

We can do this job by Cookie. I am assuming that your default landing domain is English one.

In functions.php of English domain write following code

$is_new_visitor = false;
function is_new_visitor(){

function check_new_visitor(){
  global $is_new_visitor;

  //check if cookie set
  if(isset($_COOKIE['new_visitor_lang']) && 

       $lang = $_COOKIE['new_visitor_lang'];  // get cookie value

       //if language is spanish then redirect user to spanish site
            wp_redirect('spanish lang domain');


      //set global variable to true if it is new visitor
      $is_new_visitor = true;

function set_new_visitor(){

   // check the get param and redirect user to selected domain
   if(isset($_GET['lang']) && in_array($_GET['lang'],array('en','sp'))){
         setcookie( "new_visitor_lang", $_GET['lang'], time() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60) );
            wp_redirect('spanish lang domain');

Now where you have to show the links, add following code (Some where in header.php)

global $is_new_visitor;

    echo  '<a href="?lang=en">English</a>';
    echo  '<a href="?lang=sp">Spanish</a>';

Assuming you already have a pop up asking which version they want to see, and two buttons, or links, to take them to the appropriate site... you can use jQuery or plain JavaScript:

jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
    var $days = 30;
    var $date = new Date();
    $date.setTime($date.getTime() + ($days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
    var $expires = "; expires=" + $date.toGMTString() + '; path=/';
    jQuery( '#id_of_english_button' )
        .click( function( event ) {
            document.cookie = 'language=english' + $expires;
    jQuery( '#id_of_spanish_button' )
        .click( function( event ) {
            document.cookie = 'language=spanish' + $expires;

Then you'll have a PHP cookie variable you can work with: $_COOKIE['language']

Use what DarkBee had said in his comment, and do a header('location : sub.domain.com'); to send people to the sub domain if their cookie equals 'spanish'.

   /*this code write on your main site and the user will 
         automatically redirect to the subdomain  */ 
    $_SESSION['lang']='visitor selected language';


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