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how do i change from default to where i can create username and password for phpmyadmin

phpmyadmin is not requesting for username and password because it's on default. so how can I change it so that I can create my own username and password, can someone pls help me , I am new to programming. tnks.

To have phpMyAdmin prompt you for a username and password when starting, you can edit the configuration file . Note that this behavior is already the default, so either you've manually changed it to not prompt you or you're using some pre-packaged kit that made the changes for you, in which case you should consult the documentation for that package.

Edit config.inc.php , which is in the phpMyAdmin root directory, find the line like $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; and change it to $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';

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