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Inject Dependencies into Static Factory in Typescript

I have a service written in typescript as a Class. In this class I define a static Factory which I inject dependencies.

When I compress my application, the dependencies are being compressed and I receive an undefined provider error.

Here is my service:

export class TInterceptor {    
public static $inject = ['$q', '$rootScope'];
public static Factory($q:ng.IQService, $rootScope:ng.IRootScopeService)
  return new TInterceptor($q, $rootScope);
constructor(private $q:ng.IQService, private $rootScope:ng.IRootScopeService){}...}

Service being called here:


  function config($httpProvider:ng.IHttpProvider)

My question is, how to I make sure the dependencies are protected from being overwritten when I compress my code?

Register the factory. ie,

angular.module('myapp').factory('interceptorFactory', ['$q','$rootScope',TInterceptor.Factory]);

and in the config block provide factory name:


Or supply array as well (guess it should work as well as it internally uses $injector.invoke it is not a string )

 $httpProvider.interceptors.push(['$q','$rootScope', TInterceptor.Factory]);

You forgot explicit annotation on the config block as well.

.config(['$httpProvider', config]);

You have two different options:

1) define it on the config function

function config(){...}
config.$inject = ['$httpProvider'];

2) define when you are adding your function to the module

  .config(['$httpProvider', config]);

EDIT: Update for Typescript 1.6

Now that Typescript 1.6 is out, with support of class expressions, you can use directly a class expression with a closure to use your injections:

    .factory('MyFactory', function($q, $http) {

        return class {

            constructor(data) {
                // Here you have access to $q and $http

Typescript 1.5

Typescript not allowing class expressions at the moment until version 1.6, I personally use this syntax for now:

class MyClass {

        private $q: ng.IQService,
        private $http: ng.IHttpService
        data) {


Then I use the standard Angular factory definition that permits to use ng-annotate during the build, and I currify the class with factory injections before returning it:

    .factory('MyFactory', function($q, $http) {

        var factory = MyClass

        // Return curried MyClass
        return Function.prototype.bind.apply(factory,
            Array.prototype.concat.apply([factory], arguments))

The return line is equivalent to:

return MyClass.bind(MyClass, $q, $http)

It's less readable, but will prevent you from writing two times your dependencies each time you'll change them.

Or if you have Lodash or Underscore, you can do it in a more elegant way:

return _.curry(MyClass).apply(this, arguments)

I'm then able to instantiate my class only by providing essential data:

new MyFactory(data)

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