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Enable to post simple text twit using FHSTwitterEngine in IOS

My application having twitter login and post twit on twitter. so i am using FHSTwitterEngine github demo. i am successfully login using FHSTwitterEngine . But facing problem to twit post on twitter. At the time of twit , i am getting this error in my device “ Twitter NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012 ”. Ao pls any one can give me solution for twit post using FHSTwitterEngine And original demo is also not working for me in my device. original demo also give same error “ Twitter NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012 ” Link of github demo : “ https://github.com/alvani/FHSTwitterEngine

Error code -1012 is kCFURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication. This should mean that some code somewhere called [sender cancelAuthenticationChallenge:] in response to an authentication challenge. This is likely code inside of DMTwitterOAuth , but it's also possible it's Apple's own code inside the URL-loading system. If you're trying to post a tweet you'll likely need Read and Write access.

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