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Edgy Scrolling on UITableView - iOS

I'm making an application that populates the table view from a parse database. The problem is there's a bit of lag whenever I scroll. Through some searching, I've come to realize that the problem lies in the cellForRowAtIndexPath() function where I'm querying the database in order to get the data I need for that cell's labels. I have to query the database there because I use the cell's position to index into my messages array in order to grab the right message. Here's the meat of my cellForRowAtIndexPath() function:

    if (path.row < messagesArray.count) {
        var message = messagesArray[path.row]
        var dateFormat = NSDateFormatter()
        var query = PFQuery(className: "Messages")
        query.whereKey("messageID", equalTo: message.messageID)
        var first = query.getFirstObject()

        if (message.senderID == loggedInUserID) {
            cell.nameLabel?.text = "I said"
        } else {
            queryO?.whereKey("objectId", equalTo: message.senderID)
            var second = queryO?.getFirstObject()
            var name = second!.objectForKey("FIRST") as! String
            var middle = second!.objectForKey("MIDDLE") as! String?
            var last = second!.objectForKey("LAST") as! String

             if (middle != nil) {
                 cell.nameLabel?.text = name + " " + middle! + " " + last
              } else {
                  cell.nameLabel?.text = name + " " + last

        cell.messageLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping
        cell.messageLabel?.text = message.messageText

        let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy 'at' h:mm a" // superset of OP's format
        let str = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(first!.objectForKey("TIME") as! NSDate)

        cell.senderLabel?.text = str

Any ideas?

What I ended up doing was I took the query outside my function and ran it in my viewDidLoad() which improved the speed drastically. Thanks for your help guys :-)

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